Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rhymes of History Technology (Module 3)

Rhymes of History Technology

The technology that epitomizes “Rhymes of History Technology” is the camera. In a video presentation, Dr. Thornburg made this profound statement, “A Rhyme in History is an affect or effect of a new development rekindles something from the distant past” (Laureaute Education, 2010). As we know, the camera has gone through many technological changes from the very beginning of time.

In the old west movies, we could see the man under the cap taking pictures in the Wild West. Beaumont Newhall was born in Lynn, Massachusetts on June 22, 1908. Some of his earliest childhood memories revolved around photography. He recalled watching his mother in her darkroom as she developed her own glass plate images as well as dipping his fingers into the chemical trays to see what they tasted like (Beaumont, 1982).

 The ability to take still pictures has developed into taking pictures with movement and using automatic focus. Capturing memories through pictures has always been a desire for many people through the centuries. Cameras are used in our personal lives to collect memories. Cameras are used in business for surveillance; cameras help to keep our society safe from criminal activity. Images of documents taken by scanners are a great asset in the business world. The uses of all types of cameras are profound in our society. 

Included are some Websites about cameras in my references.

Newhall, Beaumount (1982). The History of Photography. New York, New York: The Museum of Modern Art. p. 13. ISBN 0-87070-381-1.

Thornburg. D. (2009). Rhymes of History. Laureate Education, Inc. Retrieved April 11, 2012 from

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  1. Hi Sandra,
    Thank you for your blog post. It was interesting to read the history of photography. Do you think that the rhyme might even precede the camera back to caveman drawings which, in their own way, represent the foundations of the camera as we know it?

  2. Sandra,

    I enjoyed your post. It is amazing how far photography has come. Today, it is valuable not only for memories, but for criminal identification, private investigating tracking and so much more.


  3. Sandra,
    When thinking about cameras I think that the people say that technology comes full circle are somewhat true. The first cameras were so big that you couldn't hold them to take the picture. Then everyone wanted cameras that were small enough to fit into a pocket. Now I have noticed that camera are once again growing in size. It is funny how technology circles. Nice post! BV
